Johnnie Walker had been spending some time in the social doldrums, with posts that celebrated 'guys in their late fifties chinking scotch glasses while they shared business anecdotes'. No surprises that it didn't resonate with the audience.
In the one day we had on this brief, we decided to explore the brand premise of 'Keep Walking' and mix it with a different kind of heritage. Focussing on Britain as a crucible of invention, we celebrate the world as a progressive place – breaking free of those cheesey old salt'n'pepper Clooney types. With no shortage of fantastic scientific and geographical achievements that Brits have been behind in the last 300 years, it teed up myriad opportunities to play with exploration as a whole, and how these events are simple stepping stones to what comes next... #keepwalking
Scottish inventor David Brewster created some of the world’s most important developments in light. Here we celebrate his first discovery – the kaleidoscope – with a glass of Johnnie Walker. #keepwalking
Since life began on Earth, every evolutionary step has taken us forward to a new challenge.
Here's to birthday boy Charles Darwin. #keepwalking
Agency – Edelman
Art Director — Murray Allan
Copywriter – Charlie Gee